Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC

Ignite DC #7 Speakers!

Posted May 6, 2011

The speakers for Ignite DC #7 have been announced!

It was an extremely difficult process to narrow it down to the 16 below with so many fascinating topics! Please find the topics below (or see a more attractive listing with photos in our speakers directory):

Losing It All - Christine Axsmith

What match.com taught an old man about life, love and social media - Glen Hellman

A Fingernail Sale - Thom Hawkins

Charity Begins in the Playroom - Jen Sterling

Ask not what your city can do for you - Peter Corbett

The Dos & Dont's of Life with a Special Needs Dog - Amy Saidman

Awesomeness: A Users Guide - Bonnie Shaw

Lessons Learned from Being Overly Educated & Overly Broke - Evelyn Bandoh

A Tour of D.C. in 20 Faces - Danny Harris

Homeschoolers Are Weird - Chris O'Donnell

Japan: Lessons from the Tsunami Zone. - Patrick Tucker

Confessions of a NASCAR Fan - Eric Wilson

11 Ways to Bridge the Physical & Mobile Worlds with QR Codes - Matthew Snyder

Asskicking is the Best Medicine - Lorelei Brown

The Architecture of Indecision - Miranda Gale

Personal Sustainability: Living on 1 Planet a Day - Matt Malinowski

Intrigued? Go get your ticket now!