Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #9

Tim Scheu

Animal Shelters are a Waste of Time

I'm a ball of mush. I like babies. I like puppies. I like when puppies (and babies!) lick my face. As a teenager, I worked at a shelter to help injured wildlife recover from run-ins with people, vehicles, and power lines. Those creatures needed me, and I needed them. Now I work at a global NGO on things like "hybrid value chains", "open growth platforms", and other wonky systems. This is a real life account of how a naive and hopeful kid can stumble into a dysfunctional, disconnected development sector that rejects charity and still emerge with the warm and fuzzies.

About Tim Scheu:

Tim Scheu is a Senior Change Manager at Ashoka, where he's working to transform the way people support and join social change movements. He has worked with the human rights organization International Bridges to Justice in Geneva, Switzerland, REDF in San Francisco, and was part of the DC-based launch team for GlobalGiving.org. He has an MBA from Duke University, is married to a college french professor, and is the proud papa of two little girls and two pups. They lick him frequently.

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