Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #9

Darius Graham

DC's Other Entrepreneurs

At a time when the start-up and tech entrepreneurship scenes in DC are booming, another cadre of entrepreneurs are creating and building solutions to some of DC's pressing social issues. Whether increasing access to fresh produce in Ward 7, revolutionizing the way students learn history, or creating new technologies to help citizens and local government interact, these social entrepreneurs are matching altruism and innovation to improve the lives of DC residents.

This talk will highlight these innovators, their stories, and the impact they are having in DC.

About Darius Graham:

Darius is an attorney and the co-founder of DC Social Innovation Project, a non-profit that identifies and invests in creative, new ideas for tackling pressing social issues in DC.

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Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: AwayFind Sponsor: Pillsbury Sponsor: Look Think Sponsor: Driven Forward Sponsor: RepEquity