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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #9

Tip Fallon

What about heart?

When someone is described as having "heart" this may refer to one's perseverance, courage, humility, service, or leadership. I think heart is about what we stand for, who we want to be, our hopes and our fears.

It's not the norm to discuss what heart. But what if we did deliberately explored heart? What if we talked about it, learned about what heart means to ourselves and others, and then harnessed our personal values and identities to live lives that are more integrated with ourselves and others?

I think that in time heart will move from being in the background of our lives to become the subject. I think this movement could take a long time. I think we can get ahead of the curve.

I am leading a nonprofit that seeks to engage and empower heart in the community, specifically through working with youth. Here I'll share about the notion of heart, the role I think it plays in our lives, and how it will become increasingly significant, and what we've learned so far from our work.

About Tip Fallon:

Tip is a DC area native, and is an agent and student of change. He works at Evans Incorporated, studies at American University and leads I Got Heart.

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