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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite no. 1

Gale Nemec

The Bea & The Bug!

The official Re-Launch of "The Bea & The Bug Extravaganza for Children!" An interactive, multimedia, musical educational show for children and the community featuring America History! Just accepted into the Capital Fringe Festival and will be featuring Tommy Jefferson (that's Thomas Jefferson as a child), Nellie Bly and Benjamin Banneker --all DC Historical people who made a difference by pursuing an interest. Looking for all kinds of people to be involved with us from actors to stage hands, volunteers, fundraisers and more! Very Exciting!!!

About Gale Nemec:

Gale B. Nemec, has been an Executive Producer/Producer/Writer, and CEO of Nemec Productions, Inc., for more than two decades working in television, radio and in-house productions. In 1999, she entered the production realm of live theatre. She has produced television and radio series, commercials and PSAs which have been seen or heard nationally and internationally on PBS, NPR, the History Channel, The Discovery Channel, Fox affiliate stations, numerous cable systems, and Armed Forces Radio Network. Her theatrical productions have been preformed at the Carter Barron ampi-theatre, Children's Hospital and at the new Chesapeake Center for the Creative Arts.

Prior to entering the field of production, Nemec was an elementary school educator for seven years and has a Masters degree in Education. She combined her educational, television and theatre experience, brought together a talented team and created "The Bea & The Bug Extravaganza for Children!"™ an interactive, multimedia, musical flight through American history. The Bea & The Bug! ™ is a brilliant, live show, for all ages, which is entertaining and quietly educational.

In addition to producing for theatre, television and radio, Nemec is a lyricists and producer of music. She wrote and produced the opening theme song for the Walt Disney's: Imagineering Port Discovery, the new children's museum in Baltimore. She has also written several other songs including You Can Make a Difference! ™,which has been sung at numerous public functions by Mrs. Virginia E. Hayes Williams, Mayor Williams Mother.

As a theatrical talent, Nemec has been highly acclaimed for her performances on stage in both professional and community theatre, and in several one-woman shows. As an interviewer, for television and radio, she is known as a woman who can easily cover a great deal of material in a short period of time. A dedicated community volunteer, she has, and still serves on several boards. She teaches 3, 4 & 5 year olds as well. She is a published writer Living With Cats (Williams Morrow) and wrote Little Stockey: A Christmas Story.

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group