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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #10 ALL STARS

Glen Hellman

Holding On To Your Man Card

When men were men and ladies were ladies and everyone could tell the difference by the products people used, the businesses they frequented and their habits, the world was a simpler place.

In 80s the lines started getting blurred and the Marlboro Man has been replaced by an androgynous mascara wearing Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. Slowly but surely the American Males are having their Man Cards ripped from their hands.

In this farcical talk, men will the signs that their Man Card is in Danger, the activities that put the card at risk and learn how to protect their Manhood and Dignity……. or not.

About Glen Hellman:

DC's own Mr. Cranky, Glen's been a founder, a funder, a tinkerer, a breaker of things that work and a fixer of things that break. He's spent 10 years working as a hired-gun turn-around CEO for Venture Capital investors where he became intimate with corporate missteps and failure. He writes for Tech Cocktail, Washington Business Journal and on his own blog Forward Thinking.

He is a Global 100 Mentor at the Founder Institute, a Board Member at the University of Maryland, Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, Vistage Chair and former Vistage Rookie of the Year.

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