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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #2

Justin Thorp

Doing Epic Stuff

Over the last 10 years, the Web has caused a transformation in how we communicate and connect with the rest of the World. We've seen incredible innovations from Facebook to the iPhone.

Unfortunately, recently it seems like there has been a recession of ideas. Instead of thinking how we can take these technologies to do something epic, we've decided to copy those who are successful, turn 5 degrees to the right, and call this a great victory.

We need a reawakening. We need to show people how to take this great power we all have it and use it do epic stuff.

In this talk, I'll quickly spotlight 3 heroes who've been using the Web to really change their world.

About Justin Thorp:

Justin is the Community Manager for Clearspring Technologies, where they build tools which make it easy for people to share what they love online. Previously, Justin was on a full time contract at the Library of Congress where he helped advise them on Web Strategy. In his spare time, Justin spends time reading The Economist, drinking micro-brews, and writing about food on his blog Justin Loves Food (http://justinlovesfood.com).

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