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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #2

Sean Speer

Drop by Drop

New technology is allowing groups to collaborate, communicate, and participate like never before. Philanthropy is changing as new tools create new opportunities for giving. But the fundamental challenge remains the same: connecting people to people through lasting, meaningful communication.

Drop by Drop is a new non-profit that seeks to harness the power of individuals to support small, grassroots international NGOs around the world. Through weekly online fundraising campaigns that tell the story of these dynamic organizations through compelling video, Drop by Drop connects individuals and group donors to worthy NGOs across the planet. By selecting and vetting small, local NGOs, Drop by Drop maximizes donors impact and reduces option paralysis.

Think of Drop by Drop as a mash up between Charity Water, the Obama Campaign, and Global Giving.

We'll connect networks of passionate givers in any part of the world with passionate doers all over the world. Working together, we can have profound impacts on the lives of people -- people we connect with not simply through clicks and keystrokes, but through visual communication and deep interaction.

About Sean Speer:

Sean Speer is a former Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia and current technologist with Community IT Innovators in DC. Sean has been involved with technology since a wee tot --learning to load games on the family Apple ][ before he could read!

In San Francisco he worked in a start up that provided an online marketplace for independent farmers to buy and trade, leveling the playing field against large agribusiness.

In Mongolia, living in a yurt in a remote town, he piloted local improvement projects with local townspeople and worked extensively with a 17th Century Tibetan Buddhist monastery to improve their tourist development.

Now in DC, Sean helps nonprofits find appropriate technology solutions to their challenges and, on the side, is working to develop Drop by Drop into a game-changing online philanthropy juggernaut.

Or something like that.

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group