Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #2

Richard Graves

Project Director, Founder

Fired Up Media is a growing network of videographers, photographers, bloggers, and journalists reporting from the front lines of the youth climate movement and disseminating through Fired Up Media online and offline outlets. The network has grown out the diverse media projects of the youth climate movement, such as It's Getting Hot in Here - dispatches from the youth climate movement. Fired Up Media is currently producing the Fired Up: Youth Report, in partnership with LinkTV's EarthFocus.

Fired Up Media is harnessing dynamic advances in digital communications and new media, creative social entrepreneurship, and existing youth media on and off-campus to build a revolutionary media network.

About Richard Graves:

Richard is a climate activist, social entrepreneur, and online journalist. He currently serves as the Blogger/Online Campaigner for the Global Campaign for Climate Action. A member of the international committee of the Online News Association, he is the founder of Fired Up Media which helps youth leaders from around the world tell their stories in the fight against global warming and for a more just and sustainable world. He is an Associate Producer with LinkTV's EarthFocus, as well as a writer for sites such as Grist, Common Dreams, Climate Progress and SolveClimate. He served as a Program Director for Americans for Informed Democracy, communications coordinator for the SustainUS delegation to the UN Climate Talks in Bali, 2007, and was a New Media Fellow for the Energy Action Coalition. He graduated from Macalester College with a B.A. in Asian and Environmental History, after founding the student group MacCARES and winning campaigns around green building, renewable energy investment, and energy conservation. He is an International YouthActionNet 2008 Fellow, and a Project Slingshot recipient. He thinks that young people can use new media to support the revolutionary change necessary to solve global warming and has told people that at the World Bank, UN, CNN, and other stuffy institutions.

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group