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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #2

Heather Blanchard

Tech + Humanitarian Relief: CrisisCommons

CrisisCommons brings together domain experts, developers, and first responders around improving technology and practice for humanitarian crisis management and disaster relief. CrisisCommons is part of a global movement who is bringing together volunteers, academia, non-profits, companies and government officials to share best practices and lessons learned to advocate for further use of technology and telecommunications to assist citizens and communities during crisis.

Founded in March 2009 through an impromptu Tweetup at the Government 2.0 Camp, a small band of idealists and innovators gathered together to discuss the idea of a creating a common community through a mash-up of citizen volunteers, crisis response organizations, international humanitarian relief, non-profits and the private sector (especially the technology and telecommunications sectors). Within minutes, the CrisisCamp concept was born to unite communities, seek common ground and innovation in the use of technology and mobility during crisis.

About Heather Blanchard:

Heather Blanchard is a advocate at heart and a communications professional by trade. During the day, she likes to think of herself as an evangelist within the public sector. Currently, Heather is working on helping government be more collaborative, participatory and transparent through the adoption of Web 2.0 technology (which she thinks is super cool). Her driving passion centers around helping people be better connected during times (and places) of crisis. Heather has spent several years as a preparedness maven who loves to talk about how families, businesses and schools (and yes, even herself) can be better prepared for a crisis.

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group