Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


2009 8th St NW , Washington, D.C. 20001
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Ignite DC #2

Ralph Sklarew (w Chuck Wilsker)

"Reduce Your Where and There"

Reducing your where you can make a difference in your personal economics, swine flu exposure and lifestyle and for the benefit for all in energy, pollution, global warming, and traffic congestion. What's your "where"? It's your footprint as you travel about...and you don't even need the Google app to reduce it.What's your "there"? It's where too many of you go to work.

Commuters in DC waste 61 hours per year due to traffic congestion while getting "there"...and reducing traffic by 10% would almost eliminate it. We'd all gain a week and a half more time for ourselves if only half of us telecommuted one day per week! Two minutes of idling uses as much gas as driving one mile. Half of our oil goes to transportation and half of that just to commuting "there". And how much of your money is burned up in commuting?

Swine flu is coming and you're in the prime group for possibly getting seriously ill. What can you do? Get the shot and reduce exposure...stay away from "there" (sealed buildings and large crowds.)

Let's commit to telecommuting and making our "there" wherever we are. Most of us have broadband; let's use it to travel the information highway instead of the asphalt one and make life better for all.

Fifty million of US could be telecommuting at least one day per week. We would eliminate driving 2,000,000,000 miles (equal to 80,000 times round the Earth); would save 100,000,000 gallons of gas, saving $300,000,000...per week!

Why not? Boss doesn't trust you? Out of sight, out of mind for bonuses and advancement? Not in 2010 when we all have available webcams, collaboration software, VPNs--it's almost as good as being "there" - maybe even better. Now, take the pledge and reduce your where and do what you can to eliminate your "there"!

About Ralph Sklarew (w Chuck Wilsker):

Ralph has been working for years in 3D virtual worlds but couldn't find his needed affordances so he's developing a new 3D platform to work closer with others through webcams. Chuck runs the Telework Coalition and has championed traveling the information highway instead of the asphalt one and to make life better for all.

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