Greg Bloom
Hunger in the Capital
DC is a hungry city. Half of the children in our nation's capital are at risk of hunger. We suffer from limited access to nutritious food, high rates of obesity and diet-related illnesses like diabetes. It doesn't have to be this way. Indeed, we can find a number of new efforts to increase access to fresh and affordable food in DC's low-income communities - from gleaning operations, to food stamps at farmers' markets, to a nascent urban gardening scene, to innovative web applications like the DC Food Finder. [] A movement is happening, and we're going to build it a space of its very own. This presentation will announce the DC Food For All, a major new initiative of DC's food justice coalition, Healthy Affordable Food for All.
About Greg Bloom:
Greg Bloom works at Bread for the City, a non-profit organization with facilities in Northwest and Southeast DC. Each month, Bread for the City provides more than ten thousand poor DC residents with critical assistance, including food, medical care, legal counsel, and comprehensive social services. He edits the organization's blog, Beyond Bread, at . Bread for the City is a founding member of the Healthy Affordable Food For All Coalition, which includes many of the city's most prominent anti-hunger organizations -- including So Others Might Eat, the DC Central Kitchen, the Capital Area Food Bank, DC Hunger Solutions, the Common Good City Farm, Social Compact, and more.