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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #2

David Srebnik

Escape from Public Radio

I've been lucky to work in Public Radio. I've been unlucky to work in Public Radio. Want to know Public Radio's dirty secrets? After 20+ years, I left Public to start, with my partner Cindy, a radio production company. We produce classical music performer interviews, vignettes and podcasts for Public Radio. What's a classical music performer vignette? I don't know - maybe it's like a mash up. I say "maybe," because I really don't know what a mash up is… Here's an example of what classical music performers have to say - they have more on their mind then Mozart: (audio sample). Cindy and I produce classical music performer interviews for radio and online - www.virtuosovoices.org. We live in the world of Bach, Stravinsky and Mozart. It's an incredible world and wonderful work that we both love deeply…. with the exception of the air handlers and air conditioning units that harshly invade and eradicate the intimate sound we try to create while recording famous people in their hotel rooms or in back stage Green Rooms. Oh - and everyone wants us to work for free. We love that. We recently figured out that we are actually paying some of our stations and other "clients" to use our work - and even thanking them for the opportunity. So you're smart and high tech, and we've got…..nice hands. Maybe we should get together. I'll share what we've learned about running a small start up - like (a) there's no such thing as five minutes, (b) that dumb-ass idea by that former dumb-ass boss - well it wasn't that dumb after all (audio sample) and (c) and our parents were right...honesty is always the best policy, especially when you're wrong. I can tell you how to set your fee - it's all in the delivery. And I can recommend an easy and successful method for figuring out how much your worth (the hourly rate multiplied or divided by 2 method or the "Clarinet Teacher" Technique.) Either way…here's a hint: it's all in the delivery. Maybe you could help us with that air handler racket by designing some kind of remote control shut off gadget we could operate from our phone or lap top. And in return, we could bring a little music and a little beauty to your mash ups.

About David Srebnik:

David Srebnik produces Virtuoso Voices, an interview, fundraising and branding service for classical music radio stations. Co-Founder of Listener Directed Productions with Cynthia May, they produced "365 Holidays with the Canadian Brass," heard nationwide. Srebnik talks about music at the Kennedy Center and at George Mason University, and writes about music in print and online. He's a former Associate Producer at NPR and Public Radio Program Director.

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