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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #2

Alex Lundry

Chart Wars: The Political Power of Data Visualization

A funny thing happened during this summer's health care debate: a chart that purported to show the organizational structure of the Democratic health care reform proposal took over the media cycle and triggered a partisan visualization volley. Since then, the original chart has frequently been used as a provocative protest sign and is now the subject of a congressional investigation. What was it that made this data visualization so powerful and politically potent? How can your organization or your cause harness data visualization as a messaging medium? With these health care chart wars as a backdrop, this presentation will show you how to be a smart consumer of data visualizations and infographics.

About Alex Lundry:

Alex Lundry is a political pollster, microtargeter, data-miner and data-visualizer. He spends most of his time searching for big ideas hidden inside of big data. He has made pretty pictures out of historical tax receipts, white house salaries, ideological estimates of Supreme Court justices (called a "very cool graphic" by the Washington Post), and hundreds of thousands of survey interviews. In 2009, Politics Magazine named him a "Rising Star."

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