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Ignite DC #3

Jonathan Firestone

Social media, Family, Unemployment and the Quest for a New Job

Looking for a job? Well so am I. A lot of us are. The economic depression this country is in is effecting everyone. The latest stats show 10% nationwide unemployment, 17% under-employment as of January 1st. Your family needs you to provide, and you're saddled with helping get the kids from here to there or taking care of a baby or toddler, trying to find a job while next to nobody's hiring and above all just keep your head above water.

What do you need to do to get re-hired? Can you make social media work for you? Are you and your family driving each other crazy?

This presentation is all about how I've been dealing with the demands of being unemployed, taking care of my kids while my wife works and the steps I'm taking to get a new job. You just might come away with a checklist of things to do to ensure you get to your next job faster, your family doesn't send you a pink slip and you get away from all this with your sanity and your sense of humor intact.

About Jonathan Firestone:

I'm an unemployed but very optimistic (and realistic) product designer and manager, usability and information architect and all around social media-enhanced geek who's just trying to get through another day. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you and helping us all find the positive in an exercise that could last months or weeks. It's all up to you and your network.

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group