Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #3

Carl Roose

Beyond the font menu: 7 tips for bettering your lettering

"What font should I use?" It's a question I get asked quite a bit as a designer, and it's an important one. After all, we're a very visually sophisticated society, and it doesn't take an expert to notice brilliant or inept uses of typography as we walk down the street or open our mail. Well chosen and deftly used typefaces sell more stuff, make good books better, and get higher grades. Poorly chosen ones can destroy your credibility in an instant. So for the sake of anyone who has asked (or been asked) that question, I've distilled a short list of guidelines and considerations I think are most important for selecting and using fonts that look good, and will in turn boost your confidence in print and at cocktail parties.

About Carl Roose:

Carl is the Art Director for the American Friends Service Committee, an international peace organization, having come on board originally as their web designer and front-end developer. Beyond that, he stays busy and fulfilled with a smattering of creative pursuits and occasional freelance design projects, many of which can see on his website. car

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