Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #5

DJ Saul

The Future of Dating

I'll explore what it means to ''date" in the future -- taking into account the current landscape / social norms and where it's all going. Focusing on the implications of emerging technology like Pranav Mistry's 'Sixth Sense' device, augmented reality, and of course the rise of social networking and the continued rise of our urban populations. I'll talk about the future of ''hollering" and what will happen to "stalkers/creepers" as well as long distance relationships. Spoiler alert: dating is going to become a lot easier... and a lot harder.

About DJ Saul:

DJ Saul is the Director of Open Innovation at iStrategyLabs, where he works to find creative solutions to clients problems, and explores new partnerships along the way. DJ is the founder and chair of Colonial Entrepreneurs, a network of over 50 young Washington DC entrepreneurs, and is also a DC Ambassador for Sandbox, a network of 500+ inspirational international leaders under 30. DJ graduated Magna Cum Laude from GW with a BA in International Affairs, and studied abroad in Beijing, China. He currently serves on the GW Alumni Association Communications Committee, the Luther Rice Society, Ad2DC, and is a member of the Smithsonian Young Benefactors. DJ plays in the DC Bocce League, and can’t wait for the 2010 season.

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