Max Fowler Cohen
Your Ego on Technology
The concept of the 'self' is undergoing rapid changes in contemporary times. Memory- which now gets outsourced to technology- is just as much a function of computers as of our brains. Accordingly, we remember things differently, and we experience the world differently than any humans ever before. Our self-images and our mechanisms for representing ourselves exist just as much in our digital presences as in the clothes we wear and the way we bear ourselves in the physical world. The pace of our lives is divided up into a sequence of granular, rapidly-occurring events: emails, status updates, tweets, instant messages, group invites, and more. Without our technology, we would not be who we are today. The narratives that we create to explain our personal existences are increasingly taking place out-of-body. And they come with the 'like' button.
About Max Fowler Cohen:
Max is a cultural critic and world traveler. He is a co-founder of Parley, a creative agency and consultancy. Other relevant life experiences include rolling under laser tripwires, herding sheep on Icelandic mountainsides, driving past erupting volcanoes on family vacations, and the occasional ray-gun duel.