Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite no. 1

Jessica Lee

your career, social media for personal branding

i'd love to participate in ignite DC and do a session on how to use social media to establish your personal brand and propel your career forward.

i am a social media enthusiast blogging for a few different sites and by day, i'm a HR professional - so i can speak to the power of one's personal brand when it comes to career development and growth.

i look forward to chatting!

About Jessica Lee:

Jessica Lee is an employment manager with APCO Worldwide, a privately held, global public relations firm headquartered in Washington D.C. She serves as an business partner to APCO's Americas region and manages employment and recruitment activities ranging from university recruiting to employee relations to training and development. Jessica is also an active member of the human resources and recruiting social media community as editor of the blog Fistful of Talent where she and her colleagues write on a variety of topics related to talent management. She also maintains a personal blog, jessica ilee writes, where she writes about a little bit of everything and anything! Jessica can also be found on Twitter

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group