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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite no. 1

Patrick Roanhouse

I'm About to Turn a Quarter of a Century Old

My name is Patrick Roanhouse, I turn a quarter of a century old on May 16th 2009. I'm gonna be 25 and with the world changing as it has in just such a short time what can someone like my self say about it? Hopes and Dreams rise and crash like waves in the tide and lately it seems like they have been crashing much more frequently. As a young individual I want to share my views on the costs of education and the basic needs of life in a the current American experience. And I will touch on how the original American dream and promise seem to be long of the table now.

About Patrick Roanhouse:

Patrick Roanhouse is a twenty-four year old technologist and budding media technology entrepreneur. Originally from Severna Park, Maryland. He currently resides in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been programming since he was two years old learning BASIC on a Commandor 64. A unix / linux geek since he got his first Intel computer he currently does consulting for Apple and Linux integration for small businesses.

Patrick is also the host of a new podcast called "The Plan8 Podcast". Via his Internet talk show, Patrick has covered such events as Macworld San Fran 2009, the first Teens in Tech Conference, and New York ComicCon 2009. He has the pleasure of interviewing people who have greatly impacted the worlds of technology, science, and geekdom.

While not busy with consulting and his podcast, Patrick is prepping to return to University to complete dual degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering. He also is currently working on his first Internet start-up which is in it's very primordial stages of development.

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