Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #7

Evelyn Bandoh

Lessons Learned from Being Overly Educated & Overly Broke

I am a recovering from an abusive, insane relationship with money. I have gotten myself out of debt at three times, only to get back into debt again. I have great money MANAGEMENT habits, but my relationship with it is a work in progress. My past employment covered this poor relationship with money like theatrical makeup covers-up an ill gotten tramp stamp that one would soon forget. The bi-weekly steady paychecks masked my pseudo money savvy. And like any good, educated, upwardly-mobile working person, every time I got a raise, I increased my living expenses to match the raise.

Then I got the bright idea to pursue my passion and launch my business. Talk about a wake up call.
4 years, several breakdowns, monster debt and 2 "broke as hells" later, I think I have finally figured out the Bullshyt that kept me (and maybe even you) on the brink of financial tomfoolery. Walk with me on this journey from financial glory, to financial sorry, on the way back to financial glory again.

About Evelyn Bandoh:

I am a writer, teacher, scholar, healer and creator. Using my own trials and tribulations as a non-trust funder trying to make my mark on the world, my life’s purpose is to empower others to empower themselves to live their most vibrant life possible. (All bullshyt aside). I use my talents, skills and abilities in financial and business planning to motivate creative people to become successful and financially independent creative entrepreneurs. I bridge the gap between wishing and realizing.

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