Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


Washington, D.C. 20001
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Ignite DC #7

Danny Harris

A Tour of D.C. in 20 Faces

Many describe D.C. by it's divisions: it's white or black, NW vs. everywhere else, Washington or D.C., transients vs. natives...and the list goes on. Since September 2009, I have been looking to identify what brings this city together, rather than pushes it apart, by interviewing a stranger every day and sharing their story about life in the District at www.peoplesdistrict.com. In my presentation, I plan to give a tour of the city using 20 diverse portraits of D.C. residents to show how we are all interconnected.

About Danny Harris :

Danny Harris is a former terrorist financing analyst at the Treasury Department turned storyteller and folklorist. As a way to feel more connected to his new city, Washington, D.C., he set out to meet a stranger every day in the summer of 2009. Since then, he developed People's District, a website dedicated to raising Washington's interest in itself and its people by sharing the remarkable stories and photos of its residents. People's District has also been converted into a curriculum to help D.C. public school students explore and tell their own stories.

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