Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #7

Chuck Harmston

Productivity Porn

It takes a special brand of geek to be so obsessed with your geekiness that you direct all your geeky energies on becoming a better geek: faster, stronger, more productive…more geeky. You constantly fear that your to-do list items aren't granular enough or sufficiently quantifiable, or that you haven't discovered the app that will revolutionize how you work. Productivity perfection becomes a preoccupation, a compulsion, an omnipresent anxiety that your geeky best isn't the best.

My name is Chuck, and I'm into productivity porn.

Explore with me the life-hacking fetish and its techniques and toys: Inbox Zero, GTD, Facebook-blocking Firefox extensions, Pilot G2 gel pens, caffeinated beverages, sleep systems, the Hipster PDA, four hour work weeks—and where it all goes wrong.

About Chuck Harmston:

Chuck Harmston is a web developer and digital communications strategist for Threespot. He pseudonymously pens posts for a well-regarded culture blog and is a veteran of the SpeakeasyDC stage. In his free time, he...alright, let's get real, he has no free time.

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