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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #7

Patrick Tucker

Japan: Lessons from the Tsunami Zone.

I recently returned from Ishinomaki, deep in Japan's tsunami-affected zone. I saw a city hanging from the trees, heard startling tales of survival and loss, and personally met dozens of young volunteers who signed up for a surprisingly dangerous mission. I also learned first-hand how social networking technology and innovative emergency housing ideas can save lives.

About Patrick Tucker:

Patrick Tucker is the senior editor of THE FUTURIST magazine and content director of this site. He has written prodigiously on the topics of AI and AGI, information technology, cybernetics, nanotechnology, genetics and genetic ethics, invention, climate change and climate change mitigation, demography, and neuroscience and I've done so behalf of various publications and sites, including THE FUTURIST magazine, The Wilson Quarterly, Encyclopedia Britannica online, and the Discovery Channel online.

As a science journalist and editor, he's interviewed such technologists, policy experts, and visionaries as MIT roboticist Rodney Brooks, Google research director Peter Norvig, military strategist Edward N. Luttwak, former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, former CIA director Robert James Woolsey, tech guru Tim O'Reilly, environmentalist Lester Brown, flying-car-creator Paul Moller, and inventor Ray Kurzweil on various topics related to technology and innovation.

He also serves as the director of communications for the World Future Society and have been quoted as a futurist and organization spokesperson in The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Globe and Mail (Toronto), Elle Canada, Wired.com, Smart Money.com, Voice of America, and the Discovery Channel, and has been a guest on such networks and programs as WTOP in Washington, the Dave Rutherford Show (770 CHQR Canada) The World Today and the Christy Clark show (980 CKNW Canada), the Joan Hamburg (710 WOR New York) Russia Today, CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood, and Science Fantastic with Michio Kaku.

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