Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #7

Lorelei Brown

Asskicking is the Best Medicine

It's been a rough couple of years in my family: one knee surgery, one lingering case of Alzheimer's, a completely defective colon, a 'high risk pregnancy', a premature baby and maybe-maybe not case of chronic-fatigue-but-man-I-feel-crappy.

Why am I whining in public? When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? Screw that. There's a certain point when things get so bad that they become absurd. That's when it's time to take charge. Start asking hard questions, go off the map, and get guerilla. With the internet, networking, and gut feeling, you can come out better than you came in, no matter how chronic your illness or dire your situation. Lessons learned:

This is a little show about how to take back control from the man and live your life, make decisions under pressure, and finish up the way you intended. I hope you come and listen to my story.

About Lorelei Brown:

Lorelei is a user experience professional and recovering pre-med student. She doesn't have a salaried day job right now, but is a stay at home mom. She's been managing everyone else's health care for years, and still isn't a hypochondriac. On good days, you can find her looking for work, reading books, taking long meditative walks, laughing with the baby, and knitting. She promises that this story has a happy ending.

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