Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


Washington, D.C. 20001
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Ignite DC #7

Miranda Gale

The Architecture of Indecision

Millions of citizens across the nation suffer from symptomatic indecision. Blame it on information overload. Blame it on hyperchoice. Blame it on mental clutter. I blame it on the missing medical-grade toolkit to battle the beast, and my Ignite presentation is here to help.

I’m no stranger to indecision. I funneled through a smorgasbord of different career options before landing on PR and marketing (I couldn’t bring myself to make my Sophie's choice). I started out as a theatre junkie at a school for the arts, got a degree in esthetics, and then moved from broadcast journalism to politics and law, and from there to diplomacy, environmental science, and dermatology. In this ignite presentation, I’ll discuss my own sobering experiences and the ways I and others have conquered the pest of ambivalence.

About Miranda Gale:

Miranda Gale is a senior at American University in public relations and marketing, graduating this May. Originally from Golden, Colorado, her broad interests include social media, hiking, the performing arts, digital marketing, event planning, and the cupcake craze. With experience on the hill, in documentary production, marketing, and public relations, Miranda is continually looking for new opportunities and frontiers to explore.

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