Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


2009 8th St NW , Washington, D.C. 20001
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Ignite DC #8

P. D. Klein

What would you make if you could make 'almost' anything?

In the spirit of MIT’s Fab Lab community outreach project, FAB LAB is coming to DC!

FAB LAB DC = a high-tech,fabrication laboratory/ community workshop in the heart of the Nation’s Capital to advance creativity, innovation, and collaborative projects. FAB LAB DC will serve and foster the creative community by providing access to digital fabrication technology, rapid prototyping, and the global Fab Lab network.

Fab Labs enable people to use technology to create, experiment and produce, shifting the paradigm away from people merely “consuming” technology toward using technology to create solutions.

With a focus on life-long learning and emphasis on investigative teamwork, FAB LAB DC will provide a range of educational opportunities for people of all ages, including access to the international Fab Lab network and Fab Academy, which extend opportunities for information sharing, research, and broader social impact.

FAB LAB DC is for local community members, life-long learners, inventors, entrepreneurs, creatives, and professionals.

With its location within walking distance and in view of the U.S. Capitol Building, FAB LAB DC will also serve as a model for the nation’s leaders in policy, government, and industry, to experience, first hand, Fab Lab’s grass-roots approach in developing technical education and literacy, promoting innovation, launching inventions, and incubating new businesses.

About P. D. Klein:

P. D. Klein is a long-time DC resident, community organizer, urbanist, & artist/designer, working with MIT to bring FAB LAB to DC. Her projects have spanned arts & culture, urban renewal, health, community outreach & education. Her winning DC Urban Forest Project banner is currently on view @ New York Avenue, NW.

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Sponsor: AwayFind Sponsor: Zoetica Sponsor: TV Apps Developer University