Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #8

Dave Sandrowitz

You Are Not Alone - Beating Back the Isolation of Loss

When something terrible happens to us, we feel sorrow and loss, shame and guilt, anger and resentment. And, too often, we also feel alone; steadfast in the belief that nobody really understands what we are going through. We hide the pain, bury our feelings, and simply torture ourselves because we are too afraid of rejection, of misunderstanding, of the struggle to effectively communicate some of the most difficult and complicated emotions we have as human beings.

I have felt like an alien among people, a stranger among friends, and a ghost in my own life. But I am none of those things and neither are you. And, while I tell you my story, I might just ask you to tell me a bit of yours and in doing so, we will be isolated no more.

About Dave Sandrowitz:

I've got a degree that has far too many commas and most companies I've worked at no longer exist. But, thankfully, I've got a bit more stability in my personal life, where I try hard to be a better husband and father every single day.

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