Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #8

Lauren Hale

Social Media Army of Love

In 2010, an Army of Love sprang to life on Twitter through the hashtag #PPDChat. Through this chat, women everywhere (literally everywhere - UK, Australia, Japan, Canada, US and beyond) have a community of support to turn to as they struggle with Postpartum Mood Disorders. Fearless in discussing what stigma formerly silenced, there is now open discussion and support available 24/7 at little to no cost. No barriers. It's there. Mothers are no longer alone. Twitter. Saving lives. Destroying Stigma.

About Lauren Hale:

A two-time survivor of Postpartum Mood Disorders now dedicated to advocating for and supporting new families facing the same struggle, Lauren Hale tirelessly offers her compassion, expertise, and support to families on several platforms. She blogs, she tweets, she FB's, she calls, she texts. Lauren holds a B.A. in English and several School of Hard Knocks degrees including Fearlessly discussing her own struggles with mental illness and other issues.

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