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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #8

Michael Dougherty

You can do the impossible...because I did

A brief discussion on how I used no paid advertising, social media, and face to face communication to change the world with a film that has raised over $105,000 in one year for charity. I believe that I'm not an anomaly and that passion, drive, and the willingness to put yourself out there you can change the world.

About Michael Dougherty:

Michael C. Dougherty is co-founder and a board member of Big Damn Films, Inc., a non-profit that supports meaningful causes through the development, creation, distribution and promotion of independent films. BDFF's first project, Browncoats: Redemption, set the bar for successful social promotion of independent films, non-profit awareness and fundraising. Under Michael's leadership, BDFF leveraged social media to secure extensive media attention for Browncoats: Redemption, including a four page inclusion in the Firefly Companion “Still Flying” by Titan books, articles in SFX magazine's Whedon Universe edition, and Wired.com, write-ups on a number of widely read blogs, and interviews on a variety of podcasts. Browncoats: Redemption, listed by its Twitter account , was a finalist in the 4th Annual Mashable Awards for Most Creative Social Good Campaign. Michael’s efforts in raising awareness of the film, and the causes it supports, has led to global awareness and donation exceeding $105,000 in one year for the charities supported by the project.

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