Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #8

Sean Anderson

Real Connection in a Hyperconnected World

We "like" a friend’s status. We tweet. We blog. We upvote or downvote and impact a stranger’s virtual karma. We build our “klout”. Maybe once in a while we even get to touch another human being thanks to OkCupid or Match.com. But actual connection is trickier.

Walk down the street, sit at a bar, dine at a restaurant and you’ll see people texting, Facebooking or talking with someone far away, ignoring their surroundings and the real people around them. How can we build real-world relationships in this ever-more technologically connected, but emotionally disconnected world?

About Sean Anderson:

Sean is an entrepreneur and technology consultant whose past clients include Microsoft, MSNBC, Paramount Pictures, Electronic Arts and the Motion Picture Association of America. Four years ago he dropped pretty much everything and sailed away to Mexico for a while. Now he's focused on building his startup and nonprofit ideas, using technology to help us connect in real life and build stronger relationships with those around us.

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