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2009 8th St NW , Washington, D.C. 20001
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Ignite DC #8

Jason Solomonson and Jason Parsons

PLAY Presents: How to Fertilize Your Grassroots Campaign with Social Media

On April 5th of 2010, 29 miners lost their lives to an explosion in Upper Big Branch Mine.

Jason Parsons, an impassioned coal supporter affected by this tragedy, helped begin a grassroots campaign to bring awareness to the hardworking miners of the industry. Remember The Miners was created using Parsons’ personal connections with high-visibility community leaders who were eager to show their support.

Jason Solomonson, a sports and entertainment account executive at PLAY with a penchant for NASCAR and an eye for tailored marketing solutions with rapid deployment, saw an opportunity for brand amplification by uniting the large viewership of the entertainment audience with the ardent and philanthropic voice of Remember The Miners.

An official publicity campaign launched in May 2010 to garner national media coverage through saturating the sports market with Remember The Miners messaging, beginning with the placement of livery on a NASCAR car. That grassroots campaign now includes NCAA and PGA events, and continues to grow like a weed with the synergistic combination of social media blasts, turnkey marketing solutions, and speed-to-market strategies.

With an “all hands on deck” approach to garnering media coverage, Remember The Miners went from local community organization to an international magnate. The non-profit mastered the skill of brand amplification through the use of innovative social media, such as the creation of a viral YouTube video to help miners tell their story, to launch their brand even farther. Their constant and consistent presence everywhere from TV to Internet to radio to print news made Remember The Miners impossible to ignore, and the organization burgeoned to over 11,000 fans and raised over $25,000 within its first year.

Jason Solomonson and Jason Parsons will both present on how to effectively use a combination of social media solutions to effectively and quickly fertilize your new grassroots campaign. Their tag-team presentation highlights the importance of attacking the market from all sides, with succinct and informative execution.

About Jason Solomonson and Jason Parsons:

Working within the sports and entertainment industry, PLAY dsm+a provides national brands digital creative, collateral management, media production, social media, and strategic consulting. PLAY dms+a plans and delivers measurable and meaningful experiences with a human pulse - allowing our clients to win.

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