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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #8

Ericka Hines

Social Change Doesn't Need Superheroes

I'm a social change diva.  By the very fact that I put those three words together means I think that people can rock social change.  But even though I can see that people have a strong desire to be a social agent; oftentimes, they never make their desire a reality.  This concerns me. I think that the silly and paralyzing emotion, FEAR is what is holding them back.

Fear that the cause they want to work on is too big, fear they can't contribute anything worthwhile or fear that their efforts will not have an impact.

During this talk, the mission I have chosen to accept is to help IgniteDC stare fear of creating social change in the face (and have it flee), humanize our social change heroes/heroines, and see that we all have what it takes to create super social change on every scale.

A cape and tights may or may not be worn as a part of this talk.

About Ericka Hines :

Ericka is a former lawyer turned speaker, teacher, coach, and entrepreneur. She is the Principal of Social Change Diva, a leadership development firm that works with individuals, socially conscious companies and non-profit organizations that want to “step into their leadership” in order to move their mission forward. Ericka has a Juris Doctor from the University Of Georgia School Of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Wright State University. In her 15years of experience of working in Washington DC, Ericka has found that she bring each of the same elements--observing, teaching, connecting and empowering individuals and organizations to move forward-- to every position that she has held.

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