Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #9

Glen Hellman

Finding Everything By Throwing It All Away

I had it all; the big house in Potomac, two wonderful, smart, healthy private school boys, an exciting Career doing Corporate Turnarounds for Venture Investors. By all outward appearances life was perfect. I was living the "Potomac Life," replete with the Lexus, the exotic watch, the monogrammed shirts and the "Potomac Wife." But there were storm clouds brewing and one day, in a moment of clarity, I left it all behind...... all of it. Only to learn what is important. Heartbreak, loss, emotional pain and rebirth have led to knowing what truly counts. Hint: It ain't a watch, and it can't be bought.

About Glen Hellman:

Glen doesn't wear a watch. He is a serial entrepreneur, Angel Investor, reformed hired-gun turn-around CEO, who now helps business leaders figure out what to do and gets them to do it. He created the mentoring program for Startup America. He created TweetDingman, the worlds first pitch your company to investor event held over twitter. He writes humorous snarky articles for Tech Cocktail. All this activity leaves him very little time to practice for his real lifetime goal of becoming an NHL Hockey Player.

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