Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #9

Ram C Singh

Why this Libertarian Tech Entrepreneur Thinks Capitalism May Vindicate Marx and Spawn a Communist Utopia

Pretty much self explanatory, no? In 5 minutes and 20 slides, we are going to explore how technology fueled societal trends, when followed to their logical conclusion, will contribute to the destruction of capitalism as we know it and the development of the type of Utopia that Marx envisioned.

About Ram C Singh :

Thinker Schemer Solver Guy, Ram is an entrepreneur, consultant and engineer-poet. He co-founded Afiniate Inc to provide banks with software that identifies opportunities to help their customers achieve their financial goals, based on the data the bank already has about its customers. In the process, Afiniate had developed technology that has the capability to do so much more.

When not conceiving, developing and deploying innovative business models and technological solutions, founding start-ups, fixing Fortune 500 companies and otherwise contributing to the destruction of capitalism as we know it, Ram spends his time, walking the earth. You know, like Caine in “Kung Fu”.

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