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Ignite DC #9

Lisa Schaefer

Save the Public Libraries!

What is THE FUTURE OF BOOKS? A hub for authors to communicate with their fans through a free web site and live online events An online Town Center for fans to hang out, have intellectual discussions, and buy ebooks A way for local libraries to gather community support and find their role in the Future of Books

About Lisa Schaefer:

Lisa Schaefer earned her B.S.E. and M.S. in civil engineering and Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Arizona State University. Dr. Schaefer worked as a simulation engineer at the MITRE Corporation and taught statistics at Marymount and American Universities. She has participated in several writers workshops, taken screenwriting courses from a Hollywood screenwriter and graduate level video production courses from American University.

Dr. Schaefer is the organizer of the Future of Books discussion series and the writer-producer of Budget Justified, a 50-episode web series/movie and book about a woman engineer.

Dr. Schaefer is involved in several technology and women's organizations in the DC metro area (DC Media Makers, DC Tech, DC Podcasters Alliance, Ruby Users Group, Women in Film & Video, Society of Women Engineers) and lobbied Congress on grassroots women's issues for several years for the American Association of University Women. She also trains and runs races with the DC Roadrunners.

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