Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #9

Omar Paul

8 months (16 weeks) in the life of a first-time Entrepreneur with 2 toddlers, 30k to burn and 10 years of working for 'the man' to overcome

I resigned in July 2011 to pursue starting a company, with a concept completely unrelated to my acquired expertise in Voice over IP - gained in a decade of working for one of the best VoIP companies around - BroadSoft. I will take the 8 months, split it into fortnights and provide humorous, honest and revealing insight on 16 slides (one slide per fortnight) of what I went thru from "I can do this" to "What the hell was I thinking?" to "OMG, I actually raised some money !"

About Omar Paul:

I have an undergrad in computer science from Loyola in Hyderabad, India and a Masters from GWU in the same discipline. I've worked in two companies since then, combining for 13 years of telecommunication software experience. I resigned as a Director of Product at BroadSoft, Inc, took a very small amount of money left over from a successful IPO and decided to jump into entrepreneurship. I run the twitter account for MoDevDC, am part of DCTech and have pitched at the Disruptathon: Social Media event at WaPo Labs.

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