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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite no. 1

Michele Hirata

Anything Is Possible

I am a firm believer that anything really is possible and everyone can make a difference big and small. I work with several DC area groups, especially with children, and teach them how incredibly easy it is to give back to one another and the impact they can make with simple acts of kindness. My 20 slides would show 20 happy, inspired faces of hope and will enlighten all to smile and realize how much our lives offer.

About Michele Hirata:

Fat Thumb artist, Michele Hirata a.k.a. Fat Thumb Chick, designs, makes and distributes Fat Thumb Chemo Beanies knitted from t-shirt material to cancer centers, hospitals and non-profit organizations worldwide, free of charge. She donates one-of-a-kind handbags and shawls to needy organizations to bring them much needed funding. Every Fat Thumb Michele creates is gift from her heart.

Every Fat Thumb product is designed, hand-dyed, hand-cut and hand-knit by Michele Hirata, using her unique T-Knit, Fun Tab cutting method. Since February 2004, Michele has given away over 1000 hats, purses and scarves to those battling a hair loss illness, worldwide.

Her fun and fashionable designs are not only extremely comfortable but very stylish as well. Everywhere people go with her unique hats, Fat Poly Handbags, and accessories a buzz surrounds them with curiosity, interest and amazement.

Michele also spends a lot of her time helping other not-for-profit organizations with creative marketing and fundraising ideas. While living on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, she played a key role in organizing and launching the very successful and needed Pink Heart Funds and Pony Tail Kids Cluband continues to work closely with JoAn Niceley, founder, by providing art work, hats and endless all-around support. Michele also worked tirelessly with Dona Krystosek on several very creative marketing campaigns to bring support and awareness to Dona's son Levi Krystosek. Levi suffers from a rare, debilitating dwarfism. Because of Michele and Dona's efforts, Levi is currently awaiting FDA approval that could possible cure all his symptoms. She and Dona continue their fight to help Levi while spreading awareness about people's differences. Rochelle Harper, an amazing singer songwriter, works closely with Michele and the Pink Heart Funds using her musical talent to raise awareness, funding and send hope through song. The Butterfly Song has received outstanding reviews and critiques and receives standing ovations every time it's performed; you can hear this song on the Rochelle Harper tab above.

Now in the Washington D.C. area, Michele is keeping busy making hats, teaching children to knit at her local, public library, working with the Greater Washington Area Boys and Girls Club once a month creating art projects. Her passion lies in working with children and showing them just as easy it is to give back and volunteer. She is also very involved with her daughter's gymnastic booster club (GWGGBC). Her daughter's gymnastics' team gives hand-made All-Around Awards to people in the Greater Washington D.C. area that do simple, nice things. The girls are having so much fun and making a difference. Michele's also in the very beginning stages of building and coaching a Special Olympics Girls Gymnastics Team in Prince William County, VA.

Imagine the possibilities, imagine hope and love one another.

Anything is possible.

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Sponsor: Pivot Point Community Sponsor: Live Your Talk Sponsor: Razoo Sponsor: White Canvas Group