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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #6

Dan Morrison

Sorry Bill Gates. Philanthropy belongs to us.

If you look at The Chronicle of Philanthropy´s list of America´s Top 10 Donors for 2010, you’ll find names like Mark Zuckerberg and T. Boone Pickens who each pledged $100 million to charity this year. But while their contributions are significant, most charitable giving in America comes from individuals -- people like you and me -- who don’t have billions in the bank and yet they still make contributions to causes they believe in.

Citizens can become Citizen Philanthropists when they have the tools and networks they need to take charge of their giving and to inspire others and get them involved. That is the mission of Citizen Effect. To empower Citizen Philanthropist so that they can do what they love in order to impact thousands of lives and blow Bill Gates out of the water in the process.

About Dan Morrison:

Dan Morrison is the CEO and founder of Citizen Effect. Citizen Effect is driven by the idea that anyone can make a real and significant impact in the world.

In 2006, Dan took a trip to rural India where he met a woman walking 4 hours for water. He mobilized his friends and family to raise $5,000 and build her village a well. That is how Citizen Effect started and now Dan is empowering hundreds of citizens to partner with communities in need around the world.

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