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Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #6

Alex Priest

From Distraction To Action: Using Tech and Social Media for Better Learning

As a student at American University, I'm no stranger to professors shunning technology and social media. "It's a distraction," they claim.

I'm convinced social media and technology--and simply social learning in general--is no distraction. Instead, it's a tool that can and should be utilized for higher engagement in the classroom, particularly in secondary education. In this ignite presentation, I'll cover the work being done by myself and others to change this negative perception of social technology in the classroom, as well as some of the true innovation happening in this space and what we can do moving forward.

About Alex Priest:

Alex Priest is a senior at American University in marketing and public communications, graduating in May of 2011. A passionate and active user of social media and technology, he has experience using social technology from capitol hill to nonprofits, to agency PR and trade associations like the Consumer Electronics Association.

As a student at American University, Alex has founded the first student-led Social Media Club with the goal of fostering a social learning environment in American University classrooms, as well as training students, faculty and staff on how to better leverage these tools.

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