Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC

Ignite DC #6 Speakers!

Posted January 7, 2011

The speakers for Ignite DC #6 have been announced!

It was an extremely difficult process to narrow it down to the 16 below with so many fascinating topics! Please find the topics below (or see a more attractive listing with photos in our speakers directory):

From Distraction To Action: Using Tech and Social Media for Better Learning - Alex Priest

Why Jack Bauer Needs A Nap - Alison Horner

How Not To Be An Asshole Online - Andrea Weckerle

Creativity Isn't Enough: Using Empathy to Make Things People Love - Chris Sutton

Sorry Bill Gates. Philanthropy belongs to us. - Dan Morrison

Bitcoin & The Potomac - Darrell Duane

FRIENDING OVER 50 - Debbie Weil

HELP! - Heather Coleman

Why Are We Doing This? A Facebook Story - Joseph Price

Mission Rejuvenate Hip-Hop 2011: Time to Embrace & Not Abandon It's D.I.Y. Roots - Mary Nichols (DJ Fusion)

Handwriting Analysis - how to know someone better in 5 minutes than even their closest friends - Michael Hurst

Beauty Can Save Your Life - Nina Tovish

I Suffer From... FOMO - Shana Glickfield

Innovation Improbable the Unusual Suspects - Shireen Mitchell

The Political Economics of Monopolies - Teddy Downey

Kickstarting a startup community here in DC - Zvi Band

Intrigued? Go get your ticket now!