Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #5

Ignite DC #5 Speakers:

Will You Have Privacy In The Future? by Shaun Dakin

As "digital natives" grow older and enter the workforce and social media becomes the norm, what will the future of privacy look like for Americans? Opt-In by default or the current Opt-Out default? ...

Shaun Dakin is Director of Business Development for Infield Communications, a mobile health technology firm in Washington, DC. Shaun has over 20 years of producing resul...Read more

thumbnail: DJ Saul thumbnail: Amy Webb thumbnail: Sue Wang thumbnail: Shaun Dakin thumbnail: Dennis Bonilla thumbnail: Amy Senger thumbnail: Steven Mandzik thumbnail: Alex Howard thumbnail: Matt Fellowes thumbnail: Khadijah "Moon" Ali-Coleman thumbnail: Alex Herder thumbnail: Erin McCann thumbnail: Matt Malinowski thumbnail: Tracy Viselli thumbnail: Shonali Burke

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