Ignite DC #5
Ignite DC #5 Speakers:
- Back to Barnraising: Why Hyperlocal Is The Future for Online Civic Engagement and Philanthropy by Tracy Viselli
Since we witnessed online organizing at its most winning during the 2008 Barack Obama presidential campaign, there have been a slew of online civic engagement ventures of national or even internationa...
racy is an interactive media strategist who built a successful online community centered around politics and downtown redevelopment in Reno, Nevada. Tracy has worked on s...Read more
Ignite DC Full Speaker Directory
Browse all speakers from past Ignites.
Justin Thorp
How Social Networking Helped Me Get Less Fat -
Kate Chapman
How MappingDC is putting DC on the OpenStreetMap -
Kayne Karnbach
My Life as a Slug -
Khadijah Ali-Coleman
Motherhood is Revolutionary: How choosing to parent is the "anti" in today's times -
Lauree Ostrofsky
How My Brain Tumor Will Change Your Life -
Lisa Schaefer
Save the Public Libraries! -
Lynette Long, Ph.D.
DC Through a Woman's Eyes -
Mark Drapeau
Social Networking While Intoxicated
Kacy Paide
Why Organizing Matters -
Kathy Guillermo
A look into the Exotic Animal Trade -
Khadijah "Moon" Ali-Coleman
Facing the Music in the Future -
Kristen Soltis
The Vanishing Young Republicans -
Lee Finkel
Lorelei Brown
Asskicking is the Best Medicine -
Maceo Thomas
How Music, the Net and A Park Changed the World -
Martin Ringlein
Making Ideas Happen