Ignite Countdown Timer Placeholder Text

Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say?

At every Ignite, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.


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Ignite DC #8

Ignite DC #8 Speakers:

Appropriate Gestures: The Changing Face of Digital Experiences by Erik Muendel

Lyndon Johnson nearly started a riot in Thailand when he crossed his legs towards the king, a derogatory gesture. In India, greeting someone with a left-handed hand shake is considered offensive and u...

As Creative Director and CEO of Brightline Interactive, LLC, Erik leverages creative, strategy and management skills to develop and execute effective digital and interactive e...Read more

thumbnail: Glen Hellman thumbnail: Jason McCool thumbnail: Dave Sandrowitz thumbnail: Gadi Ben-Yehuda thumbnail: Tom Bridge thumbnail: Elizabeth Wallace thumbnail: Ananda Leeke thumbnail: Carrie Fox thumbnail: David Hale thumbnail: McKee Floyd thumbnail: Al Pittampalli thumbnail: Erik Muendel thumbnail: Brian English thumbnail: Jill Foster thumbnail: Mary Katharine Ham thumbnail: Russ Gaskin

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